Osama’s Insignia
Almost a week is about to pass, since the so called assault against Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was carried out in the Abbotabad city of Pakistan by US Navy Seals. Concerns have been there internationally as well within the country that how come the state elements were unaware of this situation, and the armed forces were unable to initially intercept his presence through the world’s best intelligence and secondly were unaware of the 40 minutes assault of Foreign forces on its soil, with so called state of the art technologies acquired from US in recent past. Well off course different questions are to be answered by the political as well as the military leadership but more important factors need attention, that what would be the post Osama effect on Pakistan as well as the international politics.
We have been continuously coming across with different news from domestic electronic and print media as well as international media that the US is much more concerned about the Haqqani’s network and Quetta Shura that is operating from the soil of Pakistan and perpetrating terror activities in Afghanistan against the ISAF and other forces. Recently it was stated in one of the daily newspapers of USA that Taliban intends to attack Kandahar to recapture it and same was happened that resulted many causalities in return. The President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai stated” The purpose of this attack by the Taliban Militants was to hide the defeat caused by the death of Osama bin Laden”. The same day US authorities released few voiceless videos of Osama that were reportedly confiscated during the operation against him in Abbotabad from his PC. The most important news published few days back in 3 of the newspapers of USA, India and UAE stated that on the day when Raymond Davis was arrested, boxes filled with enriched uranium were found in the trunk of his car that was supposedly planned to be handed over to some US and India controlled militants in order to carry out terrorists activities in Europe that would have at the end shed bombs of allegations against the nuclear capability and security of Pakistan leading to a eminent coalition attack on Pakistan to denuclearize it.
One must be amazed that why the names of Haqqni’s network and Quetta Shura were mentioned in the above mentioned paragraph. To be more precise the importance of these two entities is an asset for the US to act against Pakistan. One must be aware of the fact that religious extremism has been increasing in the Baluchistan province of Pakistan. The Shia sect is targeted and in return the allegations are put on the banned militant organization. The factor must be kept in mind that it has been proved by our security agencies that the Indian and Israeli intelligence agencies are operating in Baluchistan and harboring activities against state and also perpetrating religious extremism. Secondly it has also been stated by the US authorities that Quetta Shura has been operating inside Afghanistan and most probably there is an eminent terror threat from Quetta Shura and Haqqani’s network and it is predicted that the same may carry nuclear attacks on small scale in Europe. It is important to remember that both of the groups have continuously denied such allegations and secondly majority of the political and
Military analysts have agreed to the point that these groups do not have the potential to carry out such types of attacks.Mr. Alex Jones one of the top most analytical reporter of USA recently interviewed Former ISI Chief. Lt. Gen (r) Hamid Gul on 3rd May 2011. The General gave a remarkable statement that “US think tanks and many of the analysts are about to declare Pakistan as the 5th Nuclear Power of the World.”If we analyze it further Pakistan is not only 5th Nuclear Power but it is 1st Muslim Nuclear Power as well. Now from religious point of view also considering geo-political factor, Israel (Jews) has been the bitterest enemy of Muslims especially the Arabs. While an Islamic State becoming the 5th Nuclear Power would be a pain in the head for them for acquiring global dominance. Our topic is not religious therefore I won’t go in the religious details. But the fact is that Israel being the illegitimate child of the west would never tolerate that Pakistan becomes a stabilized nuclear state.
For the same purpose events have been manufactured not by the White House or Pentagon but by the Jews themselves. Starting from WWI through to 9/11, all have been fabricated by the Jewish mind. Now coming to the report of current Interior Minister of Pakistan who stated in July 2010 “The Intelligence and Security Agencies of Pakistan have made their research and gathered proof that the terrorism or the activities of terrorism carried out in Pakistan are caused by the presence of foreign Intelligence Agencies, leaded by Mosad seconded by RAW and other agencies.” It is important to mention that the so called Black Water is not a creation of US or its contemporaries, but in fact it was formed in the year 1987, to act against the rebel groups of Palestine and to assassinate Yassir Arafat and other leaders of the movement by Israel. It was in the late 1990s when US state department and the Pentagon acquired the services of the same organization against Mexico, Brazil, Iraq, Somalia, and most importantly China. It was in the year 2000 when its contract was extended and they were intimated that some chaotic situation is about to take place in near future in South Asia that would be requiring the Services of the Black Water. Mr. Abid Ullah Jan the writer of “ Afghanistan the Genesis of the Last Crusade” writes in his book Page no.21-22 quoted by Shireen. M Mazari Director General Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad in the daily “THE NEWS” on Aug, 20 2001 as under.
“ ---the US is gradually building up towards some military action against the Taliban Government. Its first such effort which was primarily a “Get Osama” one failed miserably and the trauma of that cannot be ignored. After all the only Super power of the day could not get Osama from a “ragtag” bunch of Afghans calling themselves Taliban! Now the US has decided to couch their “Get Osama” policy within a wider garb of the “ Get the Taliban” policy. It all began with the impositions of sanctions against the Taliban while the Northern Alliance was heavily armed by France, Russia and India
According to Los Angeles Times Military Analyst William Arkin on October 27 2002 stated
“Rumsfeld set out to create “a super intelligence support activity” network that would bring together CIA and military covert actions, information warfare, intelligence, and cover and deception to stir the pot of spiraling global violence”.
The above mentioned articles explain and confirms that Black Water is not a new organization, it has been working for many years in the shadows and the sinister plan of 9/11 was plotted long before.
Coming to the main and final point of the article. We have been observing from a couple of years statement from the US Congress and Pentagon stating that they fear that the Nuclear capability of Pakistan may get approachable to the extremists/militants. What a co-incidence it is that Osama was hunt down in Abbotabad near the Pakistan Military Academy and most importantly a few miles ahead starts the Kahuta Nuclear Research Facility of Pakistan. Indeed Obama and its administration failed to win Oscar for the movie of the year title but gave them an opportunity to make part 2 of their Hollywood movie “Osama’s Hunt (The Nuclear Attack). Terrorists may get approach to the Nuclear Capability of Pakistan, Osama gets hunted at Abbotabad. Isn’t it bit fishy? Why not Osama was captured in Peshawar, Miranshah, or even at Quetta. Why only the urban city of Abbotabad was selected to stage this fiction movie? There are three reasons for this.
1. To convince the international community that terrorists are about to reach the nuclear facility of Pakistan and it is a threat to international community that the extremists may get to the nuclear facility and use it against the so called allies of war against terrorism.
2. To convince the international community that the Armed Forces of Pakistan is giving shelter and providing safe haven to the terrorists thus confirming that Pakistani forces are also extremists and terrorists and can use the nuclear capability against the US and its allies. Therefore endangering its neighbors like India and Afghanistan.
3. To convince the international community that Pakistan is harboring terrorism and that it must be stopped and therefore the war against terrorism now must be extended to Pakistan and it must be denuclearized in order to save the world.
It is important to mention that this plan has been designed not yesterday but long back. Whether Osama bin Laden is actually killed or the whole thing was staged, the whole purpose of this sinister action is to wage a war against Pakistan and to denuclearize it. I would end the article with the words of Gen Hamid Gul in the same interview mentioned above on 3rd of May 2011 that “if US attempts such action not only would it result in regional war but will certainly wage a third world war that would be the bloodiest of all”.